What is IceCatch

Ice Catch is an augmented reality game involved around survival. In this minigame you use your phone to control your fishing pole, dabbing your bobber into the ice hole. As the time continues your hunger increases, until it reaches 0. Your goal is to catch a fish at the end of the pole, and eat it, keeping your hunger down and the game in play.


This game was given to a group of 4 to develop in the course of a semester or 14 weeks. Using Unity and Augmented Reality for Android, we were to develop a core gameloop for a minigame. Over the course of the 14 weeks the team practice SCRUM taking a role in development lead, lead programmer, artist, and game tester. This game used the phones accelermoter to control the fishing pole, as well as real time to decrease the hunger bar.

Over the course of the 14 weeks I participated in all the roles. I created the model, texture, and animation of the fish seen in the game. I also implemented the accelermoter into the pole, and casting the line renderer into the water to catch the fish. Lastly, my contribution that I am most proud of, was creating the lake with artificial intellgence of the fish spawning and swiming in the lake. Each instance randomized the amount of fish and their spawn rates when playing the game. The fish swim to invisible waypoints, and once the collide with another fish or with the waypoint, randomly select another point to swim too.


My work

A selection of my range of work